If you’re Buyer out there and you’re looking to get your offer accepted in this competitive in this seller’s market? I’ve got a few tips for you.
The first thing, you want to do is to make sure you get PRE APPROVED not just PRE QUALIFIED, that’s the EXTRA step in the LENDING PROCESS that actually goes through UNDERWRITING to make sure you are actually approved for the number they’re quoting you.
The second thing is to really KNOW YOUR BUDGET in this market where a LOT of PROPERTIES are going well over their asking price, shopping for a property that’s slightly UNDER YOUR BUDGET is probably ADVISABLE and so you can actually GO UP to the number that you’re actually being Approved for. Your agent should actually really FIND OUT what’s IMPORTANT to the SELLER. There are many different things, it’s NOT always the HIGHEST PRICE. Sometimes there are other factors. Sometimes the seller needs to be in POSSESSION of the property for a little bit LONGER so they can find their Upleg.
So that’s the important thing for the Seller.